VANQUISH以selective RFTM為醫學界帶來一個革命性的發展。專利的無創治療技術根據身體組織針對性地發放能量,
Vanquish:The New Leader Emerges
VanquishTMwith Selective RFTM is a Revolutionary Advancement in Aesthetic Medicine. The Vanquish Patented Technology integrates a non-invasive approach and operator independent solution with unparalleled efficacy.
“Vanquish is an amazing technological advance, and is unlike any other RF device on the market. You focus the energy by choosing the correct RF frequency specifically for the impedance of the fat. Fat has different absorption properties due to its diminished water content and this device takes advantage of that to selectively heat the fat.”
Dr. Robert Weiss, M.D.
Associate Professor
Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA